Shed for ’shedless’ blokes?

Featured Shed News

I have heard about this in Australia before, but heres a nice article about it.

The Ararat Anglican Church Men’s Shed Project will seek to address this `shedless bloke’ problem by building a `Men’s Shed` for the use of those men who are now `shedless’.

However, many retired people have had to downsize their living arrangements, often

The shed will enable men to share a variety of tools, pursue their interest in past times and hobbies, spend time with other blokes of similar interests, learn new skills or use tools for the first time, or keep old skills honed and productive.

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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