Beer of the Week : Wood’s Shropshire Lass

Featured Shed News

A lovely brew from the people that brought you Shropshire Lad.


It’s a blonde beer and a nice session strength of 4.1%

She’s blonde, well flavoured and very tasty!

Combining fine English pale malts together with Fuggles and Cascade hops to create a tasty “bitter stuff!”

very nice I may have another pint today.

conversationally I had a bottle of beer last night, which was great

The best 4X4

Lovely Wye valley beer that my mother bought me for Xmas

Alc 4.4% Vol. 500ml. A classic brown ale with a sweet nutty flavour balanced with a resinous hop character.

The Best 4 x 4 has been brewed to celebrate the diamond jubilee of Land Rover. Since 1948, Land Rover has represented all that’s best about British ingenuity and engineering excellence. To celebrate the company’s diamond jubilee, Wye Valley Brewery in conjunction with Land Rover Owner International magazine has produced this commemorative bottled beer and there will be a donation from every case of bottles sold to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

This beer is not bottle conditioned.

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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