The Weather and Sheds – updated

Featured Shed News

If you have had any shed related incidents with this weather then let me know, and photos of your shed being blown away, demolished or better still holding out against the weather, then contact me, or put them up on the Flickr shed group.

There are reports from around the country about shed incidents.

Our very Own Alex, has had weather issues.

Above is Shedworking HQ, entry barred by the neighbour’s Ceanothus tree, ripped off a foot from the ground which is a pity as its blue flowers are extremely pretty more

A spokeswoman said the council received reports of three trees falling in the south of the county, and a garden shed collapse in Wiston.

and the insurers give some good advice, but it’s probly too late now

“Also, have a quick check for any loose tiles or slates and make sure shed or conservatory windows and doors are tightly shut. And if you have a garage, use it.”

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Hi Uncle Wilco, it’s a nervous time for sheddies at the mo but no incidents to report here. The first shed I ever built was with cladding salvaged from the October gales in 87, so my gain I guess, but that kind of destruction is horrible to see.

    By the way – what’s the latest on the forum – i registered again but didn’t get the confirmation e-mail – should I try it again?


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