Garden Office dream

The shed friendly telegraph has a good article all about working from your shed, normally I would leave this sort of thing to Alex, but I thought the post covered all the basics for us sometime shedworkers, plus they mention so I thought why not.

My dream is to have a garden office. I love the idea of leaving home behind and “commuting” down the garden to work … then, at the end of a long, productive day, closing the office door on all things serious. For anyone working from home, a garden office offers a pleasant discipline and routine, and a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of the household.

The also mention livingroofs and give these great tips which would apply to a shed as well.

Practical tips

# Planning permission isn’t required for a garden office if: its overall height doesn’t exceed 4 metres for a pitched roof and 3.5m for a flat roof; the total floor area doesn’t exceed 30 sq m; the structure is sited at least 5m from the house; and it’s not in a conservation area.

# Think about the placement and size of your office from your neighbours’ perspective and speak to them about what you are planning. Most neighbours are accommodating if you keep them informed.

# Don’t neglect security: your garden office may need to be alarmed. Also, check carefully with your insurance company: the office’s contents must be covered for all eventualities.

# If you’d like to take your garden office with you when you move, discuss this with your supplier as some models can be built accordingly.

# Make sure you have sufficient lighting in the form of good general illumination (preferably on a dimmer switch) and appropriate task lighting.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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