Shock as shed arrives unplanned

Featured Shed News

DO you recognise this shed?

Unfortunately for bosses at one Marton rock factory, the sight of this pile of timber has become all too familiar after somebody dumped it on their land.

Geoff Race, director of Blackwoods Limited on Cowley Road, Marton, was astonished when he arrived for work yesterday to find the dismantled shed had been left on his property overnight.

Mr Race said: “I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I arrived to see this huge pile of timber on our forecourt.

“Somebody has obviously taken down the structure, loaded it into a van and looked for somewhere to dump it.

“Unfortunately we’ve been the unlucky ones in this case.

“We are in an industrial area and have had small things like tyres dumped on our property before but never anything like this.

“I find It unbelievable people can be this selfish.”


By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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