Just Sheds Tuesday : Shedwood Woodwood

I was going to do one of those clever April Fool posts about Sheds on the moon etc, but thought sod it..

This weeks Shed is a Summerhouse, but one that has been built by scratch by the owner Mark

I built it from scratch with No instructions!, and now its stronger and much classier than it was ever meant to be. This thing has cost me a small fortune

But now Mark’s better half has said they are moving.

and now our Lass says were moving! Imagine, the blood and sweat that goes into building something like this and then being told that were moving……shed’s, there not for girls!. Unfortunatly Shedwood Woodwood wont fit in our new garden, so is there anyone interested in a bargin?

So if anyone is interested in Marks shed please post comments here and I will pass them onto the sheddie.

I will ask Mark to provide some more info on sizes,construction etc.

More images after the click.

So would do you sheddies think about having a Sheddies sheds for Sales section on readersheds?

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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