Just sheds Tuesday : Spice sheds

I missed this last week, sorry Just Sheds watchers..

So this week I will go with a few sheds that have caught my eye.

and as comebacks seem to be the thing, here are my Spice Sheds, next week look our for Led Sheds (maybe).

1) Posh Shed

inhus – Suffolk, UK

Alex has mentioned these designer sheds in the past I like them as they are a bit Grand Designs but too designer for most sheddies.

Fully equipped garden office, built to last, fully insulated and ready to work. My husband built the inhus for my requirements and I love it. Stylish and beautiful, cedar clad, decking, LED lighting and double glazing.

2) Baby Shed

We don’t get enough beach huts or sheds by the sea as I call them on readersheds.co.uk but this shows the sheddie spirit, the council blocks any outside pimping so the sheddie has gone to town on the inside.

Our little wooden beach hut is our favourite place to be when the sun is shining – or isnt. We are not allowed to paint the outside of the hut but that hasn’t stopped me making the most of the inside.

3) Sporty Shed
ok not sporty but I had to follow a theme!

Another great example of a shed made from scratch this time from Alabama

As an avid gardener and birdwatcher I needed a little place for my hobbies, so my husband decided to build me a garden shed. He built it with no plans and very little carpentry skills. He is an electrician by trade. The windows are all hand made since we couldn’t find any to suit us. The skylight is hand made as well. This will allow me start my seedlings inside. I am so excited and can’t wait to move in.

4) Scary Shed

You just need to look at this shed it’s a shed for hoarders, artists it’s wonderful in all it’s glory.

Mohawk was born over the weekend of 9/11 ..one of those moments in life when you know where you were and what you were doing,,I was installing the stained glass window listening to the radio. Mohawk has evolved over time to house literally thousands of indispensible bits and pieces and items purely to delight the eye (this includes the cobwebs and invasive ivy which now entwines some prize pieces) Visitors to this haven are unfailing in their amazement,often when they warm themselves on the woodstove they dont want to leave .

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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