Wonderfull Hobbit house – Penwhilwr

On the Grand designs live thing

Home Of The Year Best Eco Home Nominee – Penwhilwr

This ‘Quiet Earth Project’ two storey load-bearing straw bale house; the first in the UK, second in Europe, delivers beyond expectations. With a u value of 0.13, the straw bale walls with thermafleece in the cedar shingled roof are highly insulating, requiring only a wood burner using coppiced wood for heating. The solar panels, thermal system and wind turbine supply all requirements on a 24v system. The house is abundant in natural materials – the floors are wood, slate, glaster limecrete and earthen, with leca insulation. The straw walls are rendered with lime and clay, with a stone turret for the bathroom. All timbers are locally sourced. This is an aesthetically harmonious, chemical-free home which breathes with its owner.

See it here.

The owner and builder lived in a shed in the garden without water and electricity for 8 years while shed built it with the help or the local community

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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