Interact with the sheds

Featured Shed News

With all the talk of Social wossname and user interaction and the like, I thought I would find other ways of you sheddies getting involved with readersheds/shedblog and of course Shed week, currently you can just Contact me using the standard form and I will try and answer your email, or post on the Forum or even follow me on twitter, no that’s posh.

But I saw this post on a great blog called makeuseof, It promotes a new tool that allows you to create a suggestion box on your blog, that allows quick feedback from your users.


is a user-generated content suggestion application for blogs. Effortlessly assemble what your readers really want to hear.

anyway the widget is in the righthand side of the blog, and below, so give it a go, click on the Question and post something.

so be gentle and tell me what you want! maybe you want to promote your shed or your event during shed week or even just say hi or ask a shed related question.

Once people have voted for the Questions I will promote the most popular as a post on the blog and try and and answer it for the sheddie.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love shedsFounder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds.About the blogEnter your shed into #shedoftheyear