What our judges say about Shed week

You may have noticed the panel on the right with some quotes in, I thought I would get them in one place.

‘Another exciting year for sheddies – this competition is a beautiful example of how the British are not just skilled craftsmen but have great imaginations not to mention excellent senses of humour’
Sarah Beeny

The beauty of a garden office is that it combines the popular yearning for a pastoral ideal with the practicalities of technological development and guards our privacy in the way that an open-plan office – even if you call it something exciting like a ‘den’ or a ‘hive’ – never can. .
Alex from shedworking.co.uk

It’s fantastic that beach huts are getting in on the competition this year. Unlike sheddies, beach hut owners often have to work within restrictions about size and colour yet they still manage to create some wonderfully individual seaside hideaways.’ Dr Kathryn Ferry

‘My shed is much more than a place to store the garden tools.’ – Tony : Shed of the year 2007 winner

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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