Shock for beach huts owners in Teignmouth

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you would think the council would cash in on the beachhut prize bonanza? This is southdevon reports.

Beach hut owners were ‘devastated’ today at Teignbridge Council proposals to sell the land under their huts which have been handed down through generations of Teignmouth families.The huts at Back Beach in Teignmouth overlook the estuary, and the land they are on could be sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Teignbridge Council, owner of the land which houses 12 huts, says it doesn’t need the land and has included it on its asset disposal list.

Shaldon-based ferry boat operator James Trout, also owns a beach hut on council land.

“Our beach hut was owned by my great, great, uncle and has been in the family since the early 1900s. I am very cheesed off about the whole thing.

“These huts have been handed down through generations. We are not absolutely certain the council has the ownership of the sand they are on.

“We have tried to buy the land for years from the council but there has been no communication.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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