South East has more uses for sheds

We know that there are a lot of wacky sheds around the country but Marley Waterproofing has conducted this survey and got these facts about Sheds in the South East of England..

Image from MarkyBon

A new YouGov poll has revealed that people in the South East are more innovative than people from any other region when it comes to using their garden sheds. Rather than just storing garden equipment, 9% of people from the South East said they would convert their sheds into mini gyms, one in twelve (9%) would use theirs as a creative area for hobbies, while other popular answers included space for practicing music (4%). One in twenty would use it as a private space to escape for a while (7%) and 30% would use it as storage of non garden items.

The poll also found that despite people in the South East utilising their shed space for their hobbies or simply using it to store garden equipment, repairing the shed was not considered a priority. Excuses included not having enough time (40 %), unsure how to repair it (18 %) and simply can’t be bothered (19 %).

But does this research indicate that shed maintenance is really a low priority or that it is viewed as a job too difficult for the amateur DIY enthusiast to attempt? Charles Farmer, Retail Director at Marley Waterproofing says; “It’s surprising really, considering how security conscious we are as a nation and the lengths we go to protect our personal belongings. You wouldn’t leave a lap top in a damp, leaky and unsecured shed, so why leave expensive garden equipment in the same conditions.

“The findings suggest that a proportion of people in the South East were unsure how to go about repairing their sheds. This kind of research helps us to develop products that fit the needs of amateur DIY-ers. Our range of waterproofing products are easy to select and even include simple step-by-step instructions to make almost any DIY roofing project simple and straight forward.”

For further information about Marley Waterproofing retail range, please visit its dedicated website:

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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