Shed Week : Eight tips for first time shed builders

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These Shed Week 2008 special tips are from John over at Secrets of shed building, and will be the first of I hope many guest posts by shed experts.

1. Start off simple a small storage shed for garden tools and the lawn mower is ideal.

2. A ready-made shed is ideal for the first project. (Plenty of time to get fancy and win ‘Shed of the Year’ later.)

3. Small sheds only need simple foundations there is no need to go overboard with a concrete base unless you really want to.

4. Install guttering and a water butt. The water butt is great as a source of water for watering garden. The guttering stops water splashing on the ground and rotting the base of the shed.

5. As soon as the shed is installed give it a good coat of exterior grade wood stain.

6. A good way to prolong the life of your shed is to use a heavier grade roofing felt than the one supplied. Typically sheds are supplied with roof felt that lasts five years, for a couple of pounds extra per roll a heavier grade can be obtained which will last ten years.

7. Consider the security of your shed. Install a good quality door lock and make sure the valuables inside the shed are insured.

8. Don’t forget to enjoy your shed.

For more tips and a FREE SHED visit

as John mentioned in tip 2 If you need to buy a ready-made shed try our shed shop

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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