Beer and bouzouki in shed

The Huddersfield Daily Examiner has a good piece about a sheddie with another great pub shed, plus they have a quote from me too!

Image copyright Trinity Mirror Hudderfields Examiner
Image copyright Trinity Mirror Hudderfields Examiner

Rod Bowles, of Wooldale doesn’t need to catch a plane to sample the atmosphere of a Greek taverna; he just opens the door of his garden shed. ANDREW BALDWIN reports

FORGET whisky in the weedkiller bottle and a padlock on the door. Sheds are no longer just a retreat for hen-pecked husbands but a place to dream.

Shed-lovers – or sheddies as they’re known – have begun to convert their sacred shed spaces into everything from saunas and cinemas to recording studios and laboratories.

But Rod Bowles has something few people would expect in the garden of a house at Wooldale, a Greek taverna.

Guests don’t trip over the mower or sit on a sack of spuds, but relax on comfy chairs and sip ice-cold beers.

The shed has a fully-fitted bar, furniture, fridges and a television for the sport, making it a structure which certainly has the wow factor on a balmy afternoon.

Rod, 61, first kitted out his bar-in-a-garden about eight years ago after retiring as landlord of the Huntsman pub above Holmfirth.

He got the idea after being impressed by the bars when he visited friends who live in Corfu.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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