Topless Beeny caught in riptide

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The Mirror reports that sheddie favourite and shed of the year judge Sarah Beeny had a close call while on hols recently.

TV presenter Sarah Beeny had to be rescued from the sea after being caught in a deadly rip-tide.

The embarrassed host of Property Ladder was swept out to sea wearing “a very small G-string” during a break in Tunisia.

Sarah said she had been sunbathing topless when she decided to move to a better spot along the beach and started to walk there along the water’s edge.

But she got caught in the strong current and was carried out to sea.

“I got pulled in by the rip-tide wearing a very small G-string and nothing else,” she said. “I panicked and screamed loudly.”

The 36-year-old host of the Channel 4 property show was eventually rescued “by a gorgeous man built like an Olympic athlete.”

“By this time a huge crowd had gathered along the beach to watch the spectacle of a man carrying an almost naked woman out of the sea,” she said. “I was massively embarrassed.”

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Surely the panic was utterly unfounded, she has some of the most aesthetically pleasing flotation devices on the planet!

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