Shed like art gallery made from rubbish

Featured Shed News

Annonav reports

It’s like our shed winner Tim as it’s octagonal but like the PLot thickens as it’s also made with some pallets

Two artists have beaten the credit crunch by building a gallery completely out of rubbish.

Martin Kaltwasser and Folke Koebberling outside the new art gallery /Rex

German designers Folke Koebberling and Martin Kaltwasser saved a fortune by using waste wood to create the gallery in the Cambridgeshire countryside.

Volunteers helped to build the two-storey octagonal space in just six weeks using old doors, windows, furniture and school desks donated by the local community.

Timber, including 500 pallets, was contributed by locals and more than 40 volunteers helped to turn the rubbish into the building, which comes complete with a greenhouse conservatory.

Go to their website to see some other great examples of recycled things they have made, including the wonderful Shedhalle

By Andrew Wilcox

I love shedsFounder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds.About the blogEnter your shed into #shedoftheyear