How do you enter your shed for shed of the year 2009?

People are asking me (ok one email, but that’s enough to do a post) Wilco how do I get my shed entered into the Shed of the year 2009 competition, it’s simple really, but of course I don’t make it easy to find.

  • You just need to “share your shed” here
  • Add some info about your shed, choose a category plus add at least 2 images (external and internal)

the system works better if you resize the images beforehand, to around 600/700 pixels wide, as my bandwidth is not free you know!!

If you don’t add a minimum of two images, then it wont be counted for entry to Shed of the year, so get your camera’s out.

many thanks, I hope we get some great sheds this year, as each year the standard goes through the shed roof..

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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