I was never a big fan of those posh ,glass modern designer sheds, but after see so many great sheds over the past wossname.. I am starting to like them, as long as they are unique and not cookie cutter sheds, of course for most traditional sheddies they are not an option due to the price for these things.
I like this one for instance.
A lot of them tend to be used for offices and the like, but if you see any more of these about, then let me know what you think.
also why not take part in our current shed vote about the next shed you are going to get as a sheddies can’t just have one.
Any body tried a Posh Shed. http://www.theposhshedcompany.co.uk
They look nice and if they do what they say are worth the money?
Hi Jax, Did you get any replies about the poshshedcompany?
Looks good – sheds shouldn’t be stuck in time!
Ooh, I like it.
Not surprised there Alex, with your shedworking modern ways!.