The scottish use garden sheds to extend their space

Our friends over at Marley waterproofing asked me for a quote about sheds, so they could add it when they wossname this survey.

A new YouGov poll, has revealed that over half (57%) of the people living in Scotland use (or would use) a shed to store garden equipment and tools, while others are opting to use them for additional living space.

The survey carried out by Marley Waterproofing revealed that one in seven (14%) people from Scotland use (or would use) a shed for storage of non garden items (rather than standard garden equipment). One in 16 (6%) Scottish respondents questioned said they use (or would use) their sheds as a workshop or as a creative area.

Founder of, uncle wilco comments; “Using a shed for things other than storing garden equipment is becoming increasingly popular. Utilising your garden shed as an extension of your home provides that all important living space which people crave, especially where the possibilities to extend are limited. Over the years I have seen some very creative ideas for the garden shed including a music room, a Dr Who tardis and this year’s Shed of the Year – a fully operational pub shed complete with fittings!”

The poll also found that despite Scots valuing their “shed-space”, there were a range of answers given when they were asked what puts them off maintaining or repairing their shed. These included not having enough time (22%), unsure how to repair it (10%) and simply can’t be bothered (10%).

But does this research indicate that shed maintenance is really a low priority or that it is viewed as a job too difficult for the amateur DIY enthusiast to attempt? Charles Farmer, Retail Director at Marley Waterproofing says; “It’s surprising really, considering how security conscious we are as a nation and the lengths we go to protect our personal belongings. You wouldn’t leave a lap top in a damp, leaky and unsecured shed, so why leave expensive garden equipment in the same conditions.

“The findings suggest that a proportion of Scots are unsure how to go about repairing their sheds. This kind of research helps us to develop products that fit the needs of amateur DIY-ers. Our waterproofing products are easy to select and even include simple step-by-step instructions to make almost any DIY roofing project simple and straight forward.”

For further information about Marley Waterproofing’s retail range, please visit the dedicated website

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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