Sheddies name
Shed name
Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?
Off the shelf
Why have you got a shed? uses etc
Sheds are a man thing. This one doubles as a workshop and a Comfort Zone.
How would you describe your shed?
Its not just for use as a workshop, its a place of refuge from a mad, busy world. Its a place where I can do what I want, where time is irrelevent, wher women don’t want to move things around.
Its mine.
Who are your shed inspirations?
Future Shed plans
Modifications to small item storage areas and worktop. Further alterations to shelving bringing in electrical power.
A garage with built in workshop / shed attached to the backend are in the offing.
How did you find out about our community?
Simply browsing and I thought I wouldn’t be the only “sheddie” in the world.
What word would you use to sum up Sheds
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