Love me Love my shed

The evening new reports

Photo: Bill Smith

Photo: Bill Smith

A bride spoke of her surprise today after being collected from church in a converted “wedding shed”.

Sara Scott, 23, climbed aboard the bespoke structure, which was attached to a trailer, after tying the knot at Horsford church, in Norfolk, on Saturday.

The silk-lined shed, complete with sofa, flowers and heart shapes attached to its shutters, had been lovingly crafted by her new husband, Tristan, also 23.

Mr Scott, who is joint director of his family’s shed-making firm, said: “Everyone calls me the shed man and now she’s going to become the shed woman.

“I thought this would be something a bit different.”

The couple, of Hellesdon, Norfolk, were towed about two miles to their reception venue in Drayton.
Mrs Scott (nee Fox), who works as an administrator for the business, said: “It was such a surprise. I felt like a real princess.

“We hope to keep it and put it in our garden. It’s such a nice shed and obviously it’s got such good memories attached to it.

“It will be known as the wedding shed, or love shack.”

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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