Shedload of rubbish – Lowri Turner

Lowri Turner today ranted about Men and sheds, saying that dads escape to their sheds after work instead of caring for their children.


I don’t know any mums who are able, as a friend of mine’s husband is, to get home from work and sit in the shed for 10 minutes before tackling the kids.
Blimey, that sounds good. Can we all have a shed, please, preferably lockable from the inside, sound-proofed and containing large amounts of chocolate? If I had one like that, I’d spend most of my day in mine.
Come to think of it, dads who go to their sheds or just stay out of the way at work, are not such a bad thing. Yes, it’s annoying, but it’s better than the alternative. It’s bad enough dealing with fractious kids, but soothing grumpy daddy as well, now that really is hard work.

We all know that it’s not the kids us men want to get away from it’s ranting women like Lowri, lucky most of the shed ladies out there are not a bit like her!

but as regular wossnames of this site know we have lots of Kids sheds, Men’s Sheds and lady sheds and we welcome lots more, so everyone can have one.

Maybe Ms Turner should do more research instead of just asking her friend.

maybe I should rant about it here (note some strong language so if you dont want it dont click)

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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