Sheddie to fight Treehouse ban

According to the trumpet of truth

A child’s tree house could be for the chop after planners ruled it should never have been built in the first place.
Mr Sharples decided to build his daughter a tree house in the garden’s fully-grown ash he was actually sowing the seeds of future strife.

His idyllic rural home sits within Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.

Mr Sharples was at pains to ensure the hexagonal tree house did not damage the ash by using cables to fix it in place, instead of nails.

But the carefully constructed structure had to be halted when a stunned Mr Sharples was informed he had not sought permission.

Now he has vowed to fight for the right to keep it after coastal park planners rejected a retrospective application.

“To be honest I just thought it was a bit of fun. You should be allowed to have a bit of fun in this day and age,” said Mr Sharples today.

“When I was a boy my dad built me a tree house and I loved it. I used to sleep up there in the summer. It was fantastic.”

Have you had any issues with planning for your shed?

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Welcome to the New World Order! Privacy rights, property rights… Jagger sang, "Hey, said the time is right for a palace revo- loooo-tion!

    Non permitus illegitimus carborundum…."Don't let the bastards wear you down!"

  2. Welcome to the New World Order! Privacy rights, property rights… Jagger sang, "Hey, said the time is right for a palace revo- loooo-tion!

    Non permitus illegitimus carborundum…."Don't let the bastards wear you down!"

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