Sheddie shoots the Stars from his shed?

Update: I have been in contact with Prof. Greg Parker and he says “It is in fact a fibreglass dome and looks nothing like a shed at all :)” which is shame, but at least the British know how etc wins through.

The Sun reports

Showcased in new astronomy book, “Star Vistas”, these spectacular images come courtesy of an amateur photographer based in a shed in the New Forest.

Greg Parker, a professor of electronics at Southampton University, has spent thousands of hours studying space from a portable observatory in his back garden and photographing the wonders he can see.

Spending less than £10,000 on his equipment, Greg has managed to bring these awe-inspiring images to print with his American co-author Noel Carboni, who processes them.

Some quotes about the book

“Confronted by [modern] advances, amateur astronomers – the driving force behind the study of the heavens for much of history – have had to reinvent themselves. Today’s ‘amateur’ is, in fact, a serious professional armed with the latest tools of optics and computers to capture, analyse, catalogue, and disseminate information and images of the night sky (and day sky!). They complement, rather than compete with, the work of major observatories and research scientists. Some areas of study, such as the search for near Earth objects – asteroids and comets – still rely heavily on the efforts of dedicated amateurs. Dr Greg Parker is one such serious amateur.” Sir Arthur C. Clarke

“The wonders of the Universe are here! Enjoy!” Dr. Brian May

“This is a book deserving an honoured place every scientific library, amateur or professional.” Sir Patrick Moore

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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