My Sheddie: Thomas Rhodes

Sheddies name

Thomas Rhodes


Shed name

Knappach Shed

Selfbuild or off the shelf shed?

Self Build – it replaces an old off-the-shelf one that was
there when we moved in. It had a family of rats living
beneath it so something needed done, without any voids for
unwanted guests.

Why have you got a shed? uses etc

It houses our freezer, which doesn’t fit in our small house.
Also my lawnmower and a heap of stuff that seems to find its
way into a shed. Its also got a built in woodstore for logs
which is actually hiding the ugly plastic oil tank.

How would you describe your shed?

Its first and foremost a project. I’m a designer and love
to create things, especially from scratch. The finish isnt
great in places, but i’ve learned a lot in building this shed,
having never layed bricks, mixed cement, slated before. It
will always be a work in progress.

Who are your shed inspirations?

I decided that it was critically important to build my own
shed after i finished reading Walden, a must-read for all
sheddies. I guess the shed was also inspired by my house
which it had to sit happily next to, and local buildings with
vertical timber cladding and nice big eaves.

Future Shed plans

need to finish it, a few slates missing on the other side,
do the ridge, finish wiring it up, get a few more logs in it,
get rid of the wee squinty shed that is still sitting along
side… I’m also embarking on a garage at the end of the
garden, which i can’t wait to start next year.

How did you find out about our community?

I stumbled across it via Shedworking blog, which i found
while googling about the place one day.

What word would you use to sum up Sheds


If any other sheddies (who have shared their sheds) would like to be featured in this Spot, the fill out this Q & A Form and I will get back you!

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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