Paint an Eco Shed and win

Featured Shed News

John over at Secrets of Shed building has a great competition running.

In Our “Paint My Shed and Save the Planet” Competition

Welcome to the second competition. These competitions are great fun to enter (and I enjoy hosting them as well!). This time round the prize of a $50 Amazon voucher should enable you to purchase a couple of good shed books to get your ‘sheducation’ started.

There’s two parts to this competition.
First – Please help me decorate my shed!
I’m in the middle of building a shed and need some ideas for how it will look. Download the folding paper model here , feel free to get creative on colour schemes and location.I tried this out with my kids and this is what happened!

The competition starts on 28th November 2008 and will run until the end of January 2009.

Sounds like fun.

Also i would like to remind you potential Eco/Green Sheddies that you can add your Shed to the Shed of the Year 2009 competition under our new “Eco Shed” category, we have a couple on there already but Iam sure there are a lot more out there.

click here

By Andrew Wilcox

I love shedsFounder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds.About the blogEnter your shed into #shedoftheyear


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