Hallelujah! The Xfactor is over

The past “X(factor)” number of weeks I have been hiding in the garden shed on a Saturday night, while Mrs Uncle Wilco watches that ITV show that fills Simon Cowell’s already full high trouser pockets with more cash.

Mrs Uncle Wilco voted for Alexandra Burke, who won in the end, she can sing Iam told.

But do we need yet another half arsed version of the wonderful Leonard Cohen song, Hallelujah!, which will be her first single.

Every version of this heavily covered song has been interpreted in different ways, of course most people know the Jeff Buckley one( in Fact it’s in the Top 10 of amazon MP3 downloads
), but K D Lang did a haunting version and Rufus Wainwright camped it up a little bit, even Cohen does it differently live.

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But I suppose he wont be complaining too much the Times says he will make a mint from this version, but I suppose good songwriters are worth their weight in wossname.

Of course if the ladyshedi or mini sheddies in your life wont listen to you when you go on (and on) about what a great song it is and how this interpretation does not cut it, then just buy them the Alexandra version, and you can simply listen to the others in your shed.


Update, for a list of a lot of artists who have covered this song including kathreen Jenkins, Aled Jones, Bon Jovi, and Il Devo!!! and the abilti to hear a sample amazon have a great list here.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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