That time of the wossname – Sign up and win!

amazon_giftDouble whammy shed based wossname.

Trying to get my numbers up on people who subscribe to the blog feed and also the shed feed over at

So I am going to have a duel competition, with wait for it…..

£30 worth of amazon vouchers to give away!

So if you subscribe to Shedblog Email alerts you get entered into the draw to win £15 worth of vouchers, similarly if sign up to the Sheds Email alerts you get entered into the draw to win £15 worth of vouchers, closing date is March 15th 2009

If you have signed up before then don’t worry you email address will also go into the big hat.

The feed emails are run by feedburner (now owned by google)

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love shedsFounder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds.About the blogEnter your shed into #shedoftheyear