Share your shed and you could win £130 worth of Cheese!

Featured Shed News


I am please to announce that The official cheese monger of Shed Week, The Cheese Shed, has given one of their wonderful Cheese subscriptions to the winner of Shed of the Year 2009.

I did not know you could get a subscription for the wonderful milky stuff either, but those trend setters from Bovey Tracey as always are on the cheesycase.

So to win a Cheese Shed Subscription: four boxes over the next year (retails at £130)


All you have to do is Share your shed and its wins Shed of the Year 2009!, ok not so simple and you will have some great competition with this years entries so far, but it’s worth a go

Watch this space for more top prizes for Shed of the Year 2009.

If you are a company wanting to sponsor either Shed Week and/or Shed of the year then please contact me and I will send you a proposal

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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