Were you in the ShedMen books?


One of my recent sheddies Chris mentioned that he was in the wonderful book Shed Men (by Gareth Jones) which of course was the follow up to the seminal shed book, Men and Sheds by Gordon Thorburn.

I was lucky to be slightly involved in Gareth’s great book, as he contacted me a few times while it was in production and asked for some shed advice (as if I know anything) and I got a thank you in the wossname (which was nice), unfortunately I lost contact with Gareth (you know where I am)

Anyway enough name dropping, It’s about time all the sheddies that were featured in the books put their sheds on readersheds.co.uk, so that you lot can see any updates to the sheds or sheddies. (of course if you have already then contact me and I will feature you

So if you and your shed were in these two great books, then please share your shed and mention which book you where in.

Of course you can still buy these great books from the readersheds book shop (which I get a share if you buy from!)

In my onion they best shed books out there, until alex’s comes out or they do a “Readersheds.co.uk the Book”, Book

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By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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