Timetable for Shed of the Year 2009

Time Tablessss...
photo credit: Simon Shek

I have finally got my head round it and people keep asking me!, which is fair as I am supposed to be head sheddie and running this thing…

So here are the Dates for your diary in the run up to Shed of the Year 2009

Closing date for your Shed to be entered for Shed of the Year 2009

Sunday 3rd May 2009

So existing sheddies get your sheds up to date, with at least two images (external & internal) but more images will give the judges more idea, if your shed gets thorough to the final.

Closing Date for Our Flickr Shed Photo Competition.

Sunday 3rd May 2009

Get your shed related photos up onto the group NOW, we love arty ones as well as everyday sheds, of course if the shed is yours why not put it up onto readersheds.co.uk and it may be Shed of the year 2009

Public voting Starts

Monday 4th may 2009

Closing Date for public voting of the Sheds

Sunday 21st June 2009

Shed Category Winners announced on shedblog.co.uk & readersheds.co.uk

Wednesday 1st July 2009

These winners will then go through to the final judging, so your shed will be at mercy of our super set of judges

Chris Evans, Sarah Beeny, Trevor Baylis, Alex(from shedworking), Lloyd Alter,
Rico Daniels ,Tim(last years winner), Tony(Previous Years winner) and me.

Shed Week 2009 Starts

6th July 2009

We will have various things happening during shed week, but if you want to throw ideas at me then Contact me or Twitter me with the hashtag #shedweek

Announced of our Flickr Photo competition.

Shed of the Year 2009 Announced

Wednesday 8th July 2009

Of course they may be slight changes due to unforeseen shed based circumstances

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. please could you blog the winners and runners up in each catergory before final judging and maybe a certificate for them so they can put them up in there sheds, cheers Mandy Landlady of the Forge and Flagon Pub shed

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