Just Sheds : Rammed Earth Update

I mentioned this shed a while a go and looks like a lot of progress has been made and the sheddie Michel has posted some updates, including info beyond me about the soil

I used a “Soil Triangle Diagram” that I found on the internet to analise my own soil from the footings excavation by using a coffee jar full of water, and some of my earth. I found that I needed more clay silts so I imported 13 tons of sub soil from 6 miles away near the coast. I then used my invention “Sid the Soil Sieve” (see YouTube) to grade the earth down to 12mm. Once blended with 5%-8% cement I had the perfect stabilised soil for ramming.

This is a 66m2 building with a maximum height of 2.8m. The budget for the raised footings, additional earth, roof structure and the green roof is a mere ?2,700.00 and I’m on track to achieve this budget. Notice that I am building a shed, not a dwelling, and so this was a project on a very tight budget… Pound Zero as I call it.

You can watch the videos as well

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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