Want to watch clouds from a shed on the beach, now you can!

The Louthleader reports

BRITAIN’S first cloud watching platform will open along our coast next week with BBC weatherman Paul Hudson set to cut the ribbon.

The £30,000 wooden structure on the beach at Anderby Creek will allow visitors to recline on specially designed seating and identify various cloud formations.

Paul Hudson said: “We are doing the weather live from there that evening so it should be fun!”

It has been designed by Michael Trainor, the artist behind Mablethorpe’s Star of the East feature and the gin and tonic shaped beach hut. Mr Trainor said: “People often perceive cloudy skies as a negative thing, but actually clouds are beautiful, natural forms and if we learn to enjoy and understand them perhaps we will enjoy our daily lives just a little bit more.”

Visitors to the facility can rest on the seating and use a series of self-operated cloud-mirrors to ‘magic the sky down to the earth

Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of The Cloud Appreciation Society, said: “The Cloud Bar is an inspired way to remind the public some of nature’s most varied and beautiful displays take place daily above our heads.”

Paul Hudson (inset) and the Cloud Bar at Anderby Creek. (inset photo courtesy of the BBC)
Paul Hudson (inset) and the Cloud Bar at Anderby Creek. (inset photo courtesy of the BBC)

By Andrew Wilcox

I love shedsFounder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds.About the blogEnter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. There must be a typo, that looks like it says thirty THOUSAND pounds?!?!…

  2. Its certainly put Anderby on national TV and created something of interest on our largely featureless coast.So I think that's worth somethingThe cost mainly came from Euro grants. I'm sorry that you appear to have no sense of adventure..bet you watch loads of crap on the TV.

  3. what a complete waste of taxpayers money !!
    Has any of my council tax been spent on it ?

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