Official Band of Shed Week : Punks not Dad

I am very please to announce that Punks not Dad are the official band of Shed Week 2009, ok it’s the first time we had such a thing, but after their wonderful song about sheds “IN ME SHED” it would be wrong not to get them involved…

STOP PRESS: IN ME SHED Will be released on Xfist/inmeshed records for Shed Week 2009, you should be able to get it on itunes or somewhere, so buy it when it’s out and get the Dads in the charts!



Punks not Dad are middle-aged masters of anarchy and destruction who nevertheless pay careful adherence to the printed manual during the construction of Ikea furniture. They are the only band that truly speaks for a generation.

Their Album We Are The Dads contains songs about pottering in outhouses (In Me Shed), the ignorance of the medical profession and females in general (Man Flu), The lack of an adequate stock replenishment process in the local Tesco (Sell out) and curry related indigestion (Burn Burn Burn) amongst other important contemporary topics. The track Gaye Advert’s Eyes, an homage to the bass playing 70s punk pin up, has already been described as ‘genius’ by TV Smith and was played on Tom Robinson’s BBC introducing show at some daft hour in the early morning.

Meanwhile, ‘In Me Shed’ has been chosen as official theme song for the ‘Shed of the Year 2009’ awards and proved a big hit on boingboing (whatever new fangled nonsense that is). It is to be released as a single in July.

Punks Not Dad are carefully dismantling the music scene and storing the pieces somewhere safe. After all – as they say themselves – “you never know when it might come in handy”.

So if you are a miserable old scrote and feel disempowered by the bland youth orientated culture served up by the current callow pretenders, remember that – as PND sing in their eponymous album closer – “We’re the baby boomers and there’s more of us!”.

Rally behind them as they issue their battle cry to dads in living rooms everywhere, “reclaim the seats” and join the New Dad’s Army!

They need help and there’s no point in asking those useless lumps they call their sons, so set the radiogram to a reasonable volume, play their music, give them reviews and generally help them become so famous they can insist on the pink bits being taken out of their daily helping of battenburg cake.

You know it makes sense

Bernie MacLaren (manager) Punks Not Dad.

Small print: ‘Punks Not dad’ is entirely the property of Bernie Maclaren, Bernie owns the names Sid life Crisis, Adrian Viles, Joe Strimmer and Johnny Cardigan and the naive puppets who answer to these names are too vain to put their reading glasses on so don’t realise this. It was all Bernie’s idea, yes all his idea and anyone who argues will be sued.

History of PND

Sid Life Crisis (vocals) and Joe Strimmer (bass) knew each other from years of barbecues and Quiz Nights in the local. They wanted to be in a punk band so they approached Johnny Cardigan(guitar) who was Sid’s Brother-in-law because they knew he played guitar in his bedroom. Despite scouring high and low (under the sofa and behind the telly) they couldn’t find a drummer who was also a dad or a dad who was also a drummer until Sid got talking to Adrian Viles in the school playground one day and discovered that not only was his daughter in Sid’s sons class but also that he had a kit somewhere that wasn’t airfix.

It was just in time as they had already foolishly booked a gig the following weekend.

Punks Not Dad met for the first time in January 2008 in Sid’s Shed and though it was tight squeeze they managed to learn a couple of songs and pretend they had learned a few more. They played a gig in Clwb Ifor Bach that very evening. During this first, now legendary, first show Johnny Cardigan found a shield beetle climbing up the neck of his guitar during a particularly tricky solo and Sid discovered he was still wearing gardening gloves a motif he has maintained since in the sadly all too true belief it makes him look like a freakish cross between Michael Jackson and Alvin Stardust.

After a diverse bunch of follow up gigs including a joy riders funeral that turned into a riot and a support to the Sex Pistols Experience Tribute band PND decided they were ready to make an album. In homage to the true D-I-Y spirit of punk they recorded this in another shed (offshore Studios on Albany Rd) on a weekend when they were supposed to be putting down some decking ( still unfinished) and painting some coving in the back bedroom (still unfinished). They however manage to complete their album and the result is We Are The dads (an xfist/in me shed records joint release) out on May 11th.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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