A Question for Easter – How do I put up a shed?

That is the question, anyway David Snell from Homebuilding & Renovating has some tips over at the telegraph.

The long Easter weekend is the perfect time to put up a garden shed. The first thing to think about is the base. A concrete pad is relatively easy to construct as it can normally be built above ground level. This has the added advantage of keeping the shed dry and preventing rain splash at the base. Use 150mm x 25mm boards as formers, held in place by square pegs, all of which can be removed afterwards. Clear any vegetation and lay about 50mm of sand or gravel, petering out towards the edges. Then fill the rectangle with concrete (five parts all-in-ballast, one part cement) and tamp level.

It would be cheaper simply to lay tanalised 100mm x 100mm bearers on the ground but this makes an ideal nesting place for rats. Better to position two or three blocks, laid flat, at each corner or load point to support the bearers. You could even mortar the blocks together and put a layer of damp proof beneath the bearers. more…

In other shed erection news, those great lot over at Tiger Sheds have two great Shed Construction videos, one for their Apex sheds and the other for Pent.


By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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