Are you a lady beach hut owner?

Journalist Ruth has made this request to the lady sheddies out there with beach huts….

I’m writing a feature for Prima magazine, a monthly women’s glossy, about women who own beach huts. I wondered if you knew of any women, aged late 20s to 60, who own a pretty beach hut somewhere in the UK? I’d need to do a telephone interview with them, and we’d also need to take their picture (with said beach hut!). If you know of anyone, or are able to post something on your website, that would be great. Please let me know as soon as possible, as I’m hoping to interview people at the end of this week/ start of next.

If you can help please contact Ruth

Incidentally we helped Ruth out a while back and this month Prima (Buy it in the shops) has a great three page (not page 3) feature on lady sheddies including one of our very own, Linda

Linda Barlow, 52, an artist from Wem, North Shropshire, treasures her shed as a studio.


‘Before I had a shed, the kitchen table was my office. I had to wait until my children, Jonathan, now 20, and Emily, 19, went to school and my husband, Ray, set off for work, before laying out all the paraphernalia I would need for the day cottons, dyes, embroidery threads, paints and brushes.

Working amid such chaos was difficult, not least because I would have to clear everything away at the end of each day.

‘Hiring a studio would have been too expensive, so three years ago I hit upon the perfect solution a shed. I knew exactly what I wanted, and drew the plans on the back of an envelope.

For £750, a local contractor built my shed with beautiful tongue-and-groove woodwork and a pretty pitched roof. However, I did all the groundwork myself, even laying 120 flagstones and digging a metre-deep trench from the house for the electricity cable. It was back-breaking work, but I loved it

You should be able to read it online sometime soon.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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