Things I do in my shed (a list) 2009

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I did this post nearly two years ago and Callum just commented on it, so I thought I would do an update list and maybe you sheddies can add your lists here on this post as well…. it will be good for the sheducation of the other sheddies.

1. Potter (around and in) – 2009 Still do this but more in than out

2. Store and count Wine labels (Rioja) – 8 at the last count – 2009 They are recycled now

3. Look at the Beeny picture but in a honorable way – 2009 No comment

4. Look out the window – 2009 Got bored of that, so avert my eyes each time I walk in.

5. Dream up shedempire things – 2009 Still dreaming but Shed of the Year is a great success so need to thing of something else to do..

6. Move seedlings nearer the sun – 2009 Got a mini greenhouse outside

7. Shift the chair about a bit – 2009 it’s closed most of the time

8. Dream about having a shed by the sea ie a “beach hut” – 2009 Still Dreaming but would like a shed on wheels camper van now

9. Think about that beer kit, I got 2 years ago, then decide I dont have a big enough barrel. – 2009 thats gone but thinking of cider now

10. Ponder the meaning of felt – 2009 It’s 42 by 42

Of course this book as a lot more than 10 things to do in a shed..

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. Nice list. It would be a little more attractive if the bold parts were maybe italic. They shift the focus from the main points you're trying to make.

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