Every man needs a shed – huzzah

The always shed friendly telegraph has a great article about men and sheds and readersheds and shedweek gets a mention.

If you can read a man’s character through his shed, then I am an unkempt, decrepit hoarder of horticultural bric-a-brac. The weather-beaten shed is at the bottom of my allotment in Brixton, hard by the tall security fence that separates it from the waterworks, the prison and – more surprisingly – the windmill.

Open (with difficulty) the stiff, ill-fitting door and you step into a scene that seems designed to illustrate chaos theory.

 Michael Leapman seeks the sanctuary of his shed  Photo: Martin Pope
Michael Leapman seeks the sanctuary of his shed Photo: Martin Pope

The website’s 2008 Shed of the Year contains a fully fitted bar and a fridge. It puts the dingy, damp shambles on my allotment to shame; but with sheds, appearances are not important.

They are first and foremost a spiritual refuge: every good man deserves one.

Remember that you have until Sunday 3rd May 2009 to enter your shed in the Shed of the year 2009 competition.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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