Do you work from 5 to 9 in your shed

I normally run readersheds & this shedblog (plus a few other developments) when I get home from work & on the weekends, when I can fit it in, so that means I am a “5 to 9er” and the lovely Emma Jones fromenterprise nation ask me a few simple questions about it and they produced a great guide even with my answers in it.


Starting a home based business whilst still working full time is a challenge but means you can get started part-time, and with low-risk

According to research, more than five million people work from home outside of their day jobs. If you’re one or just thinking about starting a business in your spare time, download our free guide today.

Half of the 5-9ers questioned said that their business was growing, while over 60% expected to go full time within the next 12 months.

as I said I was interviewed for it, but don’t let that you stop reading it?

I should have posted this before but as I was away when it came out, it slipped my wossname.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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