We paid £750 for a politicians erection

I don’t normally do Politics.

But with the all round ho ha about MPs expenses I was angry to hear (via the telegraph) that Shadow Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills David Willetts claimed for £750 for a shedbase, there is no great details on his shed, but it must be a fare size and I wonder if he works from it and claims for that?

It was in April, 2004, that Mr Willetts’s claim for a shed base and dog enclosure was refused because the parliamentary Green Book states that MPs can charge only for maintenance of their gardens and nothing more. However, six months later the fees office allowed him to claim £330 plus VAT for the same odd job man to supply and erect a shed.

Maybe he could share it for Shed of the year 2010?

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

1 comment

  1. How amazing that politicians are allowed gardening, but not sheds! They should get onto you and Alex because surely a shed would make the perfect, tax-payers' money-saving constituency surgery????

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