The Punks not Dad – finally let out of the shed

Sid Life Crisis has been in contact with us here at shedblog, to give us an update on the official shed band for Shed Week, since we spoke last they have released their great album – We Are The Dads get it now!

Warning if you are offended by middle aged blokes complaining about stuff and swearing a bit, then it may not be you. Widgets


So much has happened lately it’s been busier than an Ikea on bank holiday. I’ve missed Saturday kitchen four weeks in a row due to this sodding band.

Right to business, let’s recap on the PND story so far. We formed, made an album and immediately got signed by the lovely good ol’ punk label X-FIST Records ( a subsidiary of Boss Tuneage and their extremely nice mogul – Aston. TV Smith from The Adverts ( said we were “Genius” and Gaye Advert said “Ha Sid that’s funny, x” – Tom Robinson played us on BBC Introducing ( describing us as “Pun –rock”. Obviously his eyes are going – or maybe we spelled it wrong on the form?…

It was not long after this that we came to the attention of Uncle Wilco, shed-man supreme and all round good bloke. UW runs ShedBlog ( ReaderSheds and Britain’s Annual Shed of the Year competition. He liked our song IN ME SHED and immediately posted us on every blog in the world including Boing Boing (whatever that is) and for a day or so we had a surge in MySpace hits so enormous – it took a powercut in the valleys to get the national grid back on track.

Faced with sudden fame and fortune we did what Dads do best and read the paper determinedly until all the kerfuffle had died down. A couple of days later we were back to our usual 6 hits a day, usually two from our one crazed fan (male) and four from Viagra vendors. Uncle Wilco has now decided to make the song official anthem of Shed Week 2009 (6th–13th July) and we are also the official band. X-FIST Records are releasing IN ME SHED as our first single to coincide with this momentous event. SO BUY IT or DOWNLOAD IT as soon as it becomes available and help us to make the charts.

Any self respecting single needs a video – and we are filming ours this weekend (no Saturday Kitchen again!). The video for IN ME SHED will be filmed actually IN MY SHED! It will feature ourselves and members of the public mucking about. Also featuring is the greatest presenter in the history of television – LISA ROGERS – whose excellent taste in “which punk bands to appear in videos for” is just one of her many qualities. Scrapheap Challenge’s diminutive heroine has appeared on every imaginable programme and in every lads’ mag at some point and is a keen Arsenal fan. She also made a brilliant programme about Vaginas.

We are sure that the opportunity to see Lisa in a shed and hear fantastic punk music all in the very same video will make the year of many a Sheddie and Scrapheap fan. The plot of our video is top secret and will only be revealed when we have decided what it is. I was holding out for a stormy and passionate affair between Lisa and the video’s leading man – me. Unfortunately the others (not to mention Mrs Life Crisis and Lisa herself) all found some irritating reason to quibble and the plot was eventually dropped in favour of something altogether more prosaic and predictable. All will be revealed as soon as Joe has managed to work out how to stick all the cameraphone footage together on his old Atari computer.

plus you can have the chance to win a copy of the CD We Are The Dads here.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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