The date for Shed Week 2010 is …


David friend of readersheds and from the quirky but sheddie lot over at Transglobal Emporium contacted me with this request.

I’m putting together the 2010 calendars and I’d like to put the start of National Shed Week in as a special date in the Luxury Shed Calendar again. What will be the official start date next year

The 8th edition of the Luxury Shed Calendar celebrating 12 fine examples of allotment architecture of course will include months, days and events like the 2009 one but with the full glory of the 2010 ones.

of course you will need to buy the Calendar when if comes out to find out when National Shed Week 2010 is !! ok just add a year… maybe..

You can still pick up this years calendar with just more than 6 months left.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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