Shed.TV : Tv’s Lisa Rogers and Shed’s Punks for Shed Week

Featured Shed News

After we announced that the punk band with dads in, Punks not dad are the official band of shed week with their wonderful shed based 7inch “In Me shed”, they have produced a video teaser and you could be a Star in the final video?

Greetings again from the PUNKS NOT DAD comfy chair of commercial promotions!

While you’re waiting to buy the album “We Are the Dads” from Amazon (or direct) if you haven’t done so already (and if not – c’mon! What’s keeping you?!?!)…

The boys would like to announce the YOUTUBE TRAILER for their new single “In Me Shed”. Featuring every middle-aged shed-lover’s perfect pin up LISA ROGERS (her off that Scrapheap Challenge TV wotsit).

The full video to accompany the “In Me Shed” single will be released into the YouTube world in a couple of weeks to coincide with National Shed Week and Punks Not Dad’s official launch party (more details to follow later…)

Buy the album!
Watch the video trailer!
Assemble a bookshelf!
Have a bit of a lie down!

Best wishes from the shed….

Johnny Cardigan

If you want to STAR in the video do the following

A SHORT video clip of you (maximum 10 seconds) of you and your friends, family, dogs, pigeons, etc standing proudly in front of your shed and shouting the phrase ‘IN ME SHED’ roughly in time with how it goes in the chorus of our song – i.e. quite fast. Joe Strimmer recommends listening to the song at least ten or twenty times in a row to really get the feel of it and to get the words right.

The full song is here, to get an idea of the rhyme and other musical terms

Extra screen time in the video will be awarded to people who are engaged in any of the activities listed in the lyrics, for example, cleaning a sparkplug, sampling your homebrew, or looking for the duraglit.

Videos can be in any format (the smaller the better so we don’t break Joe’s internet connection – mobile phone video clips especially appreciated…) and should be emailed to along with your contact details so we can credit you properly, unless you wish to remain anonymous…

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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