You may have noticed the panic in my eyes if you were near me the last 48 hours.
I had major issues with the readersheds shed server but hopefully it’s sorted now..(touch shed roof, turn around) and I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused to you sheddies.
It also means I am a few days behind calculating the shed votes.
So the judges should get their emails with the shortlist tonight
Ironically I had a slight blip on the shedblog server as well..
Lucky they are hosted at different companies.. then I may have just given up on it all!
but it does give you a warning if you do run a website to make sure you have backups of everything (lucky I do, but 4500 images is a pain to FTP around the place)
so over the summer you may see some changes to readersheds
I may be dumbing it down to just concentrate on pictures of your sheds and your build details and may rewrite it from the ground up.. or even shed forbid go with an off the shelf system (if I have time to convert the data) but may stick with Coldfusion as I find it easy to write the code quickly
also thinking about using a thirdparty static hosting away from the main site – any recommendations? Amazon s3 is the first one I am looking at.
so thanks for your wossname and hopefully Shed Week will happen without any more hiccups!.
hi good thank you blog