Shed sourcing for Shed Week #shedweek

This is my 1498th Post! on the shedblog! update in fact it was 1499th!

If you are on Twitter you may be familiar with hastags so I was thinking we should have something to celebrate shed week and get input from the shed twitter community, a bit like crowd sourcing but with a sheddie angle

So I will periodically until and during shed week posting questions on Twitter – related to Sheds, it would be great if you could answer them, and include the hashtag #shedweek in your reply.

Current ones are here

unclewilco twitter conversations

Then we can grab them all together and give the rest of the world an insight to what us sheddies think.

If you want to ask any shed questions on twitter then please do so, and remember to add the hashtag #shedweek so the rest of us can follow you.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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