Punks not dad – blew the roof from the shed

Featured Shed News

I went to the launch gig of the official band of shedweek “Punks not dad” new CD “We are the dads” last night in a pub in Cardiff for their Dadstock event, and they were brilliant, middle aged (as advertised) funny, shedlike and loud..(see I am getting old as well)

It was great to meet the boys and thanks to everyone who turned up especially sheddie & shed of the year finalist Thomo who drove all the way with the Mrs from Norfolk to be there..

Punks not dad gig

Great to meet a sheddie with so much commitment and passion for what he does, by the end of the night he had converted most people into building rammed earth sheds!

The downside of the night for everyone except me and thomo was that we got to “sing” with the band the chorus of In Me Shed, I am very sorry about that..

Punks not dad gig

anyway a great night, lots of beer and new friendships.. Bring on Shedweek, when my hangover has gone that is

Thommo’s mate Graham took these shots (and they even gave me a lift home, I love you sheddies!)

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You can buy the Single tomorrow or splash out on the CD

Amazon.co.uk Widgets

Punks Not Dad - We Are The Dads

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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