Shed Week 2009 interviews: Workshop Shed

This guest post is from sheddie Andy who runs the blog, Andy was a finalist in this year competition, and has always been an active member of our forums, giving great advice to the novice sheddie, you can follow him on twitter, where he always gives good tweet.

Prior to having a shed, any repairs or projects had to be completed in one day or packed up and put away after each bit of work.

The dining room table does not make a good electronics lab, the kitchen is not the best place for metal work and the bedroom of a rented student house is not appropriate for stripping down and rebuilding a bicycle.

Thanks to the shed I have space to work and tools are readily at hand rather than been buried in the bottom of a box. The shed gives me the freedom to make and repair things at my own speed.

It allows me to spend my time doing rather than constantly packing and unpacking.

The shed has given me opportunities to try new activities such as casting
aluminium and practice skills I’ve not done since school such as metal
turning and brazing.


By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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