Shed Week 2009 interviews: Secrets-of-shed-building

This is the last of the Shed Week guest posts from my favorite sheddies, hope you enjoyed them? You can View all the Shed Week Interviews here.


Structures and how they are built have always interested me. As a Structural Engineer I spend most of my working life in an office designing buildings, calculating what works (and what doesn’t!), attending design team to meetings and inspecting work on site. I enjoy my work, it’s interesting but very rarely do I get to do any of the really fun stuff – practical building!

One of the reasons I love sheds is that I can have my own building project on in my back garden to work on as and when I choose. I started building my first shed, a lean-to shed to keep the bikes in, about a month before my second son was born. My wife thinks it was something to do with the pregnancy, I got the urge to build and before I knew it I had a new bike shed and a new baby!

The idea for came about just over a year ago, 7 years or so after I built that first shed. I have always been a big fan of readersheds and Uncle Wilco, however I thought that a web site to share some of my more technical shed knowledge would complement his fun approach to the subject.

My latest shed (that one in the background behind me) is almost finished now, just got the gutters and water butt to install so it should be ready for Shed Week 2010. however is very much a work in progress. When I started building this website I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for and now with over 170 pages of content, I feel like I am just about getting started!

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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