Sheddie Stan has 365 lawn mowers and two-storey shed

The Daily mail reports

He could cut the lawn every day for a year and never get bored.

That’s because Stan Hardwick has 365 different mowers to try out.

The retired greenkeeper is fascinated by the machines and owns every type imaginable. Some date back to the mid-19th century.

With the grudging consent of his wife Margaret, 68, Mr Hardwick keeps his favourite examples in the conservatory and the front room for visitors to admire. The rest are stored in a huge two-storey shed at the bottom of the back garden.


Mr Hardwick, 69, who has been dubbed the Lawn Ranger, said: ‘Some of my mates think I’m mad, but pals I know from greenkeeping are quite interested.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear


  1. I feel better now after seeing your collection, and your wife’s expression, I too am a retired Greenkeeper, and also have a collection of mowers, mainly push cylinder type, oldest is automaton and Easy Mower, and mowers used on golf courses. Cheers Loch Ledford, OLC member. Australia

  2. Good for you, Stan…I note that most of them are 'push' mowers: I wish that the Trade would promote them more.

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