My Sheddie: Ali Cameron The Monty

I know my place.

But this was a job well done and the posts were as solid as we had all hoped. Now it was my turn to deck the uprights to become the platform. But a phone call to the shed builder had revealed a failure of schedule. The under-shed would be delayed by 6 weeks, and the summerhouse even more so. The builders had to devote all their production to building demonstration sheds for the Melplash show.

Luckily experience tells and my building masters made changes. The concrete base was extended to cover what was originally an access path; I had little say in the matter as Dave and Brian used up all the ordered concrete and in doing so added 60% to the floor area. And Brian and Dave showed me how I could clad the posts to make a perfectly serviceable shed walls with shiplap – shaped timber planks. I was not so sure but these changes proved to be the best possible options. They were not the only ones with good ideas, though.

The Blamphayne Sawmill staff have all been outstandingly helpful. Andy in the office would advise on construction and best value, the yard staff dug out just what was needed, and their delivery drivers sweated with me to carry the wood to where it was needed. When I called the wood mill for the extra wood I needed and complained about the summerhouse situation it should have been no surprise that Andy came up with a summerhouse ‘kit’ that they had available. I would have to build it myself but it was larger, more sturdy, better roofed and best of all a lot cheaper. And the extra wood made a substantial further saving as it was cheaper than the tailor-made shed walls now no longer available.

By Andrew Wilcox

I love sheds Founder & judge of Shed of the year - Wilco writes mainly about sheds. About the blog Enter your shed into #shedoftheyear

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